Videó: „Ha megtanulsz boldog lenni, sikeres leszel” – exkluzív interjú az Eurovíziós Dalfesztivál felfedezettjével, Alessandrával.

How are you today?

I’m good. It’s not snowing here, so it’s nice.

Let’s start at the very beginning. When and how did you get into singing and making music? Was it always your dream to become a singer?

Singing has been always a part of my life since I was very, very little, I would say that I even started when I was three or four years old, just singing and then competitions, six years old. Making songs… I’ve been always writing, but always writing like stuff in general, but not songs, maybe poems or like, oh, I’m in love with this person and then maybe try to write about it, you know? But without, without knowing that I was making a song or something. Then I think during COVID, with my heartbreak, I started making a lot of songs during the nights, when I couldn’t sleep and then I started this songwriting school. I don’t know, I just know I can’t live without songwriting.

Who were your main inspirations when you were growing up and who are they now?

I think I’ve always… for a long time I’ve just listened to older music. For example, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone and Rod Stewart like a little soft rock and jazz/soul. But then now. I leave those this like little place, you know? So it wasn’t like. All the people in Italy, they listen to, like, very hard trap or they just, like, talk about whores or drugs and stuff.

And I was like, how can you listen to this? You know, like, oh, my God. But then I started learning a little bit more about what type of music that is, and as learning, like having more knowledge about it, instead of just being like, this music is this, that is that. Then I started, for example, also maybe listen to trap, but then now I would say that my biggest thing is like… I would say. Billie Eilish, Olivia Rodrigo Taylor Swift, Beyonce is my… my God.

Let’s talk about your latest single, “Narcissist”. First of all, congratulations on it, it’s such a greaat song. Can you tell me a bit about the background of the song like what inspired it and what is the message that you’re trying to get across with it?

The funny thing with that song is that I was supposed to have like a week of songwriting in Sweden. And the first day I was supposed to have it with this songwriter and another producer, this producer got sick. So I ended up being with the same songwriter, but with another producer, which I already knew you know, another place and everything.

It was a very stressful day. But then when I came in the studio, we just started vibing a little bit, I remember I was very crazy for, like fixed, like I wanted to say something and it was the „do it for the hell of it” line, it’s a part of the song. I was like, „Oh, I want to have that, I want to have that!”. And then they were like, maybe it doesn’t work. Maybe it doesn’t work. I was like, no, I felt inside of me. I really want to have that. Then I think that we started around that sentence to create how can we have this sentence and make it cool, you know?

Then it became „you do it for the hell of you’re a goddamn narcissist”. And it is, of course, about the fact that a lot of times you have people around you who don’t care about you, like do stuff for themself and use you to get to their point, to do what they want.

And it’s more like the day when you wake up and you understand you don’t need that energy in your life, I don’t because it happens soon as you fall in love with this kind of people and be able to see that it’s bad for you, it’s so difficult. But then you wake up that day, one day, I don’t know, you just like, „Fuck this”, all right?

Tell me how is the album shaping up? Can you spill any secrets?

I have a lot of songs. I have a lot of songs, not on the album, though. Like, I have more songs on the tour. The idea behind is because I value so much my fans’ opinion on what they want to hear, what they need. I’ve heard a lot of people, like saying „Alessandra, this song is what I needed right now”, you know? And that’s the reason why I’m also making music, right? So I want to focus on this. People have understand that it’s going be an album, but like it is a very small album, It’s very I don’t know…. it’s a kind of an album.

It has a lot of the songs which are already released and a few more. Then I think that the tour has got a lot to say about what’s next. I think the next one is going to be… I’m going to be singing like 16 songs, I think, at the tour. People don’t know… it’s funny because they’re coming to a tour with an artist who just has like four songs out. That’s I think that’s very funny.

Now we have to talk about Eurovision. How did you prepare for this opportunity and experience emotionally?

It has been a very big emotional ride. You just don’t prepare because you do the things that prepare you the best. Like, for example, eat healthy. Try to be good with your voice. I had to learn so much after Eurovision because I didn’t know stuff. Like how to use my voice, I talk super loud and then I lost my voice like two or three days before the final.

It’s just very mental. Mm hmm. It’s just very, very in the brain. Then you feel it after on the body, because there’s so much to do that you don’t feel it like you don’t feel it physically right there because you just don’t have time to think about it. When you’re done with it, it’s just like burst out.

Do you have a favourite memory from your whole Eurovision journey?

I have amazing memories. I have met a lot of beautiful people. I have this sort of a career, a song that has gone crazy good. Who would have thought like this? I’ve always known that my destiny of this world is to do music.Because that’s what gives me life.

It’s. I don’t even know how to. Is a passion. Um, but I didn’t know how it would happen, and I didn’t even. It didn’t go crazy about it, like, oh, I have to do this. I have to do this. I just let my life do what it had to do. And then out of the blue, this opportunity of writing for MGP and then writing a banger and just being able to inspire people and being able to live my dream is just crazy.

You’re still at the beginning of your career and you’ve already accomplished so much. What does success mean to you personally? How would you define it for yourself?

I’ve read this thing like it says, I’ll be successful and I’ll be able to be happy. Then it says, no, when you’re going to learn to be happy and peaceful, you will be successful. I love that. When I’ll do this, then I’ll be able to relax. I’ll be able to be happy. I’m not saying it is easy. It’s easy because we’re humans and are kind of made that way. But is more like, no, I will be happy. And then this energy will make you possible to do things, for me to reach a successful career. A successful life, you know?

It’s not easy. I’m repeating, because also now, for example, me before the tour I’ve been stressed. I’ve been stressed have been regarded with this and that. And but then I’m trying to remind myself that you have to relax now and then, because of the energy you’re bringing into the store, it will be a success.

Is there a message that you would like to share with your Hungarian fans?

First of all, I just want to say thank you! Obviously, the thing is that you’re not asking people, please do this, but they just do it because they believe in you. Because they see a point, they see a meaning behind what you’re doing. And for me to say thank you and be thankful for them is everything I can do, you know, because they’re the reason why I can do this.